Monday, August 26, 2013

A Day Trip To Burlington

2013 August 21

A Day Trip to Burlington, VT
(Actually, an excuse to go to Barnes & Noble)

Firmed up plans for a visit with another friend, for Friday. In the meantime, in spite of our big score at the North Hero Public Library Sale, earlier this month, we were looking for an excuse to visit a book store. Well, the friend I'm planning to visit has recently lost her sweet boy dog, whom I had fallen in love with via the internet. I remember how much it meant to me when Jake died and Debbie Rose gave me a copy of Cynthia Rylant's children's book, "Dog Heaven". So, after an internet search for the closest Barnes & Noble, and a phone call assuring me they had a copy in stock which they would hold for me, we decided on a trip to Burlington, Vermont.

It was a pleasant drive, thanks to air conditioning in our little car, and in spite of my slight nagging headache. The turn by turn direction app from Google maps worked swimmingly and the parking at the Barnes and Noble had shade. And the Barnes and Noble itself was huge! (OK, maybe not as huge as the one in Cambridge, MA, but still, a two story shop!) The entire rear of the first floor was a section of discounted, second hand, and reviewers copies. We were enthralled. However, since we had Greyla with us, my personal foray was limited to picking up the held book, a small lovely scented candle, as well as two books I had been wanting. Raymond then went in to browse to his heart's content, while I went on a walk around the immediate neighborhood with Greyla. The little walk seemed to ease my headache, too.

Greyla decided she needed to poop, not once, but twice. The second time was right in front of Barnes and Noble, on the brick sidewalk. Not to worry, we had poop bags in a little container that attaches to her lead. As I was bending down to pick up Greyla's deposit, a lady walked by and gave us a very condescending look with a sneer of dislike thrown in for good measure. Why? I was in the process of picking it up! Oh well, maybe she doesn't like old dogs and their old owners. Maybe she was just having a bad day. We smiled at her, anyway, and went off in search a trash bin.

We spent some time just hanging out while we waited for Raymond, and made small talk with a couple older guys parked nearby us. They were very nice. Several people we passed on our walk smiled at Greyla. I think people have a soft spot for old looking dogs.

When Raymond came out, we decide to take the scenic route home instead of the interstate. So, we drove what is becoming our favorite drive in the northwest of Vermont, along Route 2. Good times. I guess we are relatively easy to please. 

Part of Lake Champlain as seen from Route 2

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